Pheasant Forever’s No Child Left Indoors and Legislative updates

Northern Colorado Meeting
Wednesday, November 8th, 2017
Scheels in Johnstown, CO

Box Hix will be presenting about Pheasant Forever’s No Child Left Indoors and Legislative updates

Dr. Hix will also be giving a talk on “Taking care of your bird dog, before during and after the hunt”

Dr. Jerrold Hix Bio
Topic: Taking care of your bird dog, before during and after the hunt.

Dr. Hix practiced Veterinarian Medicine for 55 years, 52 years at his Littleton Small Animal clinic, he retired in 2014 and now spends as much time as possible hunting and fishing. Dr. Hix has been a passionate hunter and fisherman his whole life and his love of animals and the outdoors sets him apart from the crowd. Growing up on the family farm in Northwest Iowa his love of trapping and pheasant hunting started at an early age. After moving to Littleton, Colorado in 1962 to start his practice he fell in love with Lion hunting with his hounds, elk hunting, pheasant & quail hunting with his Labs and GSP’s in the Midwest and fly fishing across Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. He has owned more hunting dogs than he can remember and still helps his son Bob with their GSP’s. His knowledge of dogs and the care of dogs comes from his lifetime experience with his clients and his own hunting dogs. His stories (if you can get him to tell you) about his Mountain Lion dogs from the 60’s and 70’s will keep you on the edge of your seat.

We invite you to come meet Dr. Hix and hear his talk about Taking care of your bird dog, before during and after the hunt. Please come prepared to ask some questions too.

Colorado Pheasants Forever

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